Page 11 - Hawaii Island MidWeek - February 22, 2023
P. 11

                                                ACROSS name 5 Some gummy Muppet Show 68 Abbr in an 101 Howe er
The eastern Ugandan man has 12 wives, 102 children and 578 grandchildren.
27 Situp’s target
__” 92 Show up for Derek
“At first it was a joke,” he said, “but now this has its problems. ... Two of my wives left because I could not afford the basics like food, education, clothing.”
of the incident, the team’s remaining games were can- celed.
“A62niUmncaoluspalere not food!”books In a Russian court, she was fined 20,000 rubles ($285) and sentenced to 13 days of “administrative arrest.” Day is in Russia on a tourist visa, she explained in court that she had a driver bring the calf to Red Square so she could “show it a beautiful place in
sticks, theTAVssociated Press reported.
Send your weird news items with subject line WEIRD NEWS to weirdnew-
Most of the family live in a house with a rusting cor- rugated iron roof on a mere 2 acres of land.
“Coaches always preach to kids about integrity ... so I was just shocked,” said the father of the absent player.
our beautiful country.”
“I can only remember the name of my first and the last born, but some of the children, I can’t recall their names,” Kasera lamented.
A ‘Wheel’ Fine Mess, Dad
was charged with DUI and leaving the scene of an ac- cident and was released on a $4,000 bond.
Jean Merritt of Philadel- phia has a special knack for spreading goodwill. She writes letters.
60 61
AED administrators Messages hidden in some brunch fare?
He said his daughter will not attend Churchland next year.
Santa Wasn’t Here
1 Ends of pens 100 5 Approval from a 103 Lab 105
animals 37 6 Parting mot
7 Art classes? 38 8 Corporal or
Puerto Rico y
63 Made sense of
ing the stationery I found in
Chutzpah Govt.-issued IDs Oft-removed throat tissues Delights
Bad news at
an Atlanta pie shop?
email subject 102 “Lux et veritas”
Abbr. in a research paper “The Pioneer Woman” host Drummond
tongue as at a deli rival now” 77 Overact
8 Like chocolate ganache 108
private 40 9 Potential cause
70 Quite smart 104
71 Big sandwich
72 Woes
73 Cars named for 106
“Fat Is a Feminist Issue” writer Orbach Sotomayor
who said,
“You cannot value dreams according to the odds of their
School officials say Boy-
57 Luge, e.g. machines 113 Jai __
5 Vote against with little effort
6 Apple Watch 21 Like potatoes asskisitnasn,t 22, was2i3mSpoemrseotnabalteitnsg
58 Convened 91 Create out of 114 NFL te5r9s,Paufctceinri’sh“eLaparaded tahicnaalifr on a partiaqlulayrterabtaecnk cookie
a girl, 13, who was unavail-
through Red Square, shouting and some gnawed-on carrot
DOWN 31 Filmmaker with 1 Bluaebtlaeg?for the gamea. uAnsiqaueresstyulelt
60 Fiat 94 Destroys, as 115 Port on some
Churchland investigated and held meetings with play- ers and parents.
She was hoping for a conclusive match for Santa Claus, but alas, the depart- ment said it was unable to “definitively confirm or re- fute the presence of Santa” in her home.
 12 Swindles 110 17 Sound at a
of brain freeze
10 Exchanges 42 Fragrant
Henry Ford’s
18 Poetic salutes 116 Garb 11 Reflexive compounds 74 “Neon” fish 20 Pain 117 App buyer pronoun 43 Small detail? 75 “Cool!”
21 Stuck out one’s 118 Fishy scoopful 12 Onetime Volvo 45 “Makes sense 76 Pottery ovens
Prolific Pappy Of 102 Kids Ready To Call It Quits
The Rhode Island Depart-
 Musa Hasahya Ka- sera, 68, has a problem, but he admits it stems from his own irresponsibility, Yahoo! News reported.
coming true”
requested 119 Large-horned 13 Inhabitant 46 Muppet with a 78 Mid-range voice 107 “Unless there
22 Coffee shop loyalty card
mammals 14 “It’s __!”
puppy named 81 Fertile soil are none”
120 Agitate 15 Predatory sharks
Tango 84 Demolish 109 Greek
47 In __: as found 85 Accumulates matchmaker?
Boykins came off the bench
More Activism ment of Health played along 48 Course 87 Change 111 Peddle
1 “__ Brockovich” 16 With 100-Down,
 reward 12
24 Get close to 12
25 Japanese fish
   preparation 12 26 Noisy outbursts
  that are greatly 12
appreciated? 12
28 Not very much 12
29 Give, as a
  driver’s license 30 Brown quickly
32 Lemon scraping
33 Toot
36 __ A: Italian
 soccer league 39 Loot
 41 Strikes (out) 44 Bird voted
“Most Likely to
49 Like crudités
50 Fix, as a pet
52 __-di-dah
53 Watch closely
54 Fabrication
55 Signed up
58 Beach town
 west of Santa
2 Teacher from change one’s
American animal rights with the Cumberland, Rhode
as a sub in a Jan. 21 girls’ JV
obstacle direction 112 Número de 51 God, in Hebrew 90 Activity at leches en
the old school? approach, and 3 “Yesterday” and a hint to the
activist Alicia Day, 34, was Island, police department af-
game, The Washington Post “Tomorrow” circled letters
56 “You win this windmills un postre arreshtaend”in Moscow, Ruansdsipai,nbatller it receivesdpeacírfeicqouest from
4 Lonrgepfisohrted. 19 Accomplish a lot
on Feb. 1, according to Reu- a little girl for DNA testing
    Now his wives are using contraception.
68 Disgusted
2011. ... Isyslleaeblestationery on
66 Atop, poetically 67 Court divider
her house when she died in
       clearance, and I can’t resist
  “I have learned from my irresponsible act of produc- ing so many children that I can’t look after,” he said.
Magnificent it.” Seven”
       In other Weird happen- ings:
79 Grasped
80 Used a rotary
     Bad Dad
83 Not online, C o a c h e s oTnol i ns es e d
WSMV-TV reported that a car that crashed into a mailbox in Nashville, Ten- nessee, on Jan. 14 was driv- en by an underage motorist — really underage, as in 5 years old.
Varsity basketball coach
The Letter Writer
Sadly, she said most peo-
According to Philadel- phia magazine, Merritt solicits mailing addresses and then responds with a handwritten (“in meticulous cursive”) letter on captivat- ing stationery. Her missive to reporter Victor Fiorillo mentioned that she has an overabundance of writing papers and postcards.
82 When the dinner bell rings
69 Wallach of “The
 70 Tot’s perch on a
ple do7n4’tBiwtorfimteiddhle-r back. school fashion?
But, she noted, “Doing this
is also just really good for
my brain.”
84 Truck’s tankful
86 Rollaway, e.g. Jahma8l7StCrreaectkanbdooakssistant
 88 Actor Chaney
coach Arlisha Boykins were
89 Halloween rental fee?
fired from their positions at
©2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
Churchland High School in Portsmouth, Virginia, after
    The child’s father, John Edwin Harris, 53, was seen by a witness grabbing the kid and running from the scene, police said. Officers found multiple open bottles of alcohol inside and ran the tags; when they arrived at Harris’ home, he was driv- ing away in his wife’s car.
“I’ve been writing let- ters since I was a little girl, and never stopped,” Merritt said.
     He failed a field sobriety test, could barely stand up and smelled of alcohol. He
Along with requested let- ters, she writes to people in nursing homes through Let- ters Against Isolation and to people in prisons.
“My mother collected stationery, and I’m still us-
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